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Learn Finnish in 50 hours. How fluent I would be?

Despite that over 60% of people in Finland can speak English, it is very important to speak local language to have more social connections and run day-to-day errands without stress. Finnish people are really appreciate if foreigners speak Finnish just a little but and when someone from other country becomes fluent in Finnish they could become a shining star of any Finnish friend group. Finnish people really adore foreigners speak Finnish because it is always interesting when someone from other culture speak your language. Accent, way of thinking and manner are always make it curious for native speakers.

In our school we have basic course of Finnish language starting from zero and reaches A2 level in 50h of classes. So the most popular question we have is "How much Finnish I can learn within 50h of classes?" Let's see what course is about.

Course contains 50h of lessons; there are 28h of classes about Finnish grammar, 20h of active speaking and conversations, 2h are dedicated to Finnish culture and 10h to discuss individual issues of every student in a group of 6 to 10 students.

Topics on this course are:

  • numbers and counting rules (partitiivi, objekti)

You are able to understand prices, ask and bargain (probably)

  • present tense and verbs (presenssi, verbityypit ja KPT)

You are able to describe actions and events

  • colours and adjectives (partitiivi, objekti ja predikatiivi)

You are able to describe objects and its qualities

  • orientation and verbs of movement (sijaintimuodot, postpositiot ja KPT)

You are able to give directions

  • possessions, pronouns (pronominit ja minulla on muoto, genetiivi)

You are able to speak about your and others property

  • past simple (imperfekti)

You are able to describe events in past

  • idiomas and living language (puhukieli)

You have a key to understand Finnish society

As well various topics:

  • weather, mood and opinion

  • professions and hobbies

  • time and routine

  • celebrations and Finnish traditions

  • Finnish geography and culture

  • family and friends

  • health and lifestyle

These topics and grammar are enough for easy daily communication around in shops, banks and with neighbours, etc

As well as this amount of knowledge is enough to pass YKI-2 perustaso which is enough for access free programs in Finnish in Professional schools (ammattikorkeakoulu) without language interview, some university programs in Finnish, for example some programs for talents in University of Oulu (Oulun yliopisto), University of Lapland in Rovaniemi (Lapin yliopisto), etc

We are glad to see you on our Finnish Elementary course and take a look on our other article How to move to Finland for studies? Finnish student visa.

girl thinks to move to Finland student


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