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Most popular food in Finland is PIZZA!

Moving to Finland is an exciting adventure, and one of the unexpected delights for immigrants is discovering Finland's deep love for pizza. As newcomers navigate their way through Finnish culture and learn the language, pizza becomes a welcoming and flavorful companion. Who knew that one of the most popular food in Finland is pizza!

Finnish pizzerias offer a wide range of toppings, from traditional classics to uniquely Finnish creations, making it easy for immigrants to find familiar or adventurous flavours. The most popular pizzas in Finland are: 4 cheese pizza, Hawaian pizza (yes, pineapple one), Kebab-pizza Pepperoni. The bilingual menus and friendly staff provide opportunities to practice and learn the Finnish language.

Unlike Italian pizza, Finnish pizza is closer to it's American cousine because Finns love puffy crust and lots of cheese. It is very typical to eat frozen pizza in Finland and additionally top it with extra shredded cheese and extra kinkku or bacon. Nevertheless there are a lot of original Italian restaurants in big cities so if you are italian you may enjoy taste of home through this unique culinary experience.

finnish pizza


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